The chronohormorphodiet
Each person’s outward appearance identifies their specific morphological structure which, in turn, depends on hereditary traits, metabolic-hormonal influences, food habits and environmental factors.
The chronohormorphodiet or COM Diet, considers all these elements in order to indicate a particular diet built upon the specific traits of each single person.
Localized fat
Fat accumulation in different body zones is mainly due to different hormonal prevalence. The hormones influence fat distribution as well as one’s choice of food. Food, in turn, influences hormonal secretions. However, it must be taken into account that hormonal secretion varies throughout the day, therefore the intake of certain food at different times of the day has a different effect on fat accumulation. The COM diet considers the morphology of an individual (apple, pear or chili pepper shape) which corresponds to a specific hormonal prevalence, whose influence on fat distribution can be controlled and partially modified by both qualitative and Chronological choice of food, thus favouring localized loss of weight. The classification of biotypes in the Chronohromorphodiet links different fat distribution to different hormonal prevalence, thus suggesting the consequent food approaches.
The Chronhormorphodiet identifies three main categories:
Hyperlipogenetic individuals: their upper part of the body is more robust compared to their lower part. Fat is mainly localized above the waistline, on the upper part of the back, stomach and chest. They present the so-called “apple” body structure, and a round face. This shape is due to the prevalence of the corticosuprarenal functionality which produces too much cortisol, thus favouring fat increase through secondary insulin stimulation due to hyperglycemia, caused by high cortisol levels. Vice versa, the catabolic action on the proteins of cortisol itself gives a thin structure to the limbs, unless a high androgenic component – with high levels of testosterone – is present. This morphology is more frequent in men, but it is often found in women characterized by abundant breast and narrow hips. Hyperlipogenetic people have a preference for salty, fat food and alcoholic drinks. They tend not to feel the cold and are provided with a lot of energy during the day, they are strong but little flexible.
Hypolipolytic individuals: they are characterized by the typical “pear” shape with clear disproportion between the upper part of the body, which is thin, and the lower part, quite pronounced. This morphology is an almost exclusive feature of women, yet in case of high levels in estrogens it may be found in men, too. The lower part of the body is strong while the upper part is weak. These subjects have a slow metabolism, with prevalence of the parasympathetic system, which stimulates insulin. Their thyroidal activity is slow: as a consequence, they have swollen legs and ankles, and their calves are too big. Hypolipolytic subjects have circulatory difficulty in lymphatic and venous drainage. This causes high predisposition to cellulite. These subjects are hypothyroid, and hypopituitary. Women are hypergonadal and present high production or low deactivation of estrogens, while men are hypogonadal with scarce production of testosterone.
Moreover, hypolipolytic subjects tend to present a slow system of hepatic detoxification. This is caused by the reduced deactivation of estrogens, which causes scarce metabolization of T4 in T3, due to a mechanism of estrogen competition at hepatic level, where the T4 metabolization takes place. These subjects often present a dysfunctional gastrointestinal system (constipation, impermeable intestine syndrome) and must be particularly careful with allergens and food intolerance.
Mixed individuals: they are characterized by an athletic body, small bones, long and lean limbs, high waist and oval face. They accumulate fat homogeneously, keeping their waistline visible, and they have thin calves. The mixed-morphotype subjects are provided with good hormonal balance and it seems they have taken advantage of it by consuming too many sweets and carbohydrates, supported by their good thyroid metabolism. This unbalancing leads to fat and/or cellulite accumulation on hips, abdomen and thighs. Progressive fat accumulation is associated to a parallel increase in TSH and FT3 apart from insulin sensitivity and metabolic parameters. Actually, there is a correlation between the FT3/FT4 ratio and BMI in overweight patients. This may suggest an increased conversion of T4 into T3 in overweight patients, as a compensation for fat accumulation to increase energy consumption. Despite the high level of TSH, the receptors of this hormone are less expressed in the adipose cells. This causes a decrease in receptors for thyroid hormones, therefore lower effectiveness of those hormones.

The majority of hormones follows circadian rhythm, that is, they are not constantly secreted by the body but follow a specific rhythm during the day. A typical example is GH, which is mainly secreted during night sleep.
Even more typical than that is the circadian rhythm of cortisol, which reaches its highest level early in the morning, and is quite high until 4p.m., then it gradually decreases. Hormones vary during the day, they influence and are influenced by one’s diet. Moreover, they influence fat distribution. It is therefore clear that the manipulation of the proportions and the daily distribution of nutrients will have an effect on fat distribution. It is possible to advise food habits for the various morphotypes.
For example, hypolipolytic subjects are advised to consume carbohydrates in the first part of the day and to choose only proteins in the evening. This favours the secretion of GH during the night and stimulates lipolysis.
Hyperlipogenetic subjects tend to eat a lot and to build a lot of fat. Moreover, they generally present high cortisol levels which reach the maximum peak early in the morning and are protracted until early afternoon. This leads to hyperglycemia (cortisol contributes to this) which, if followed by carbohydrate consumption, causes very high levels of glycaemia with consequent insulin secretion leading to a state of lipogenesis. Moreover, if these subjects have only proteins in the evening, they will experience an increase in adrenalin with states of nervous hyperphagia. In this case it is better to accompany proteins with a low amount of low-glycaemic carbohydrates in the morning, in order to calm cortisol, and to consume carbohydrates to stimulate serotonine and leptin reducing appetite throughout the day.
Mixed subjects do not have specific hormonal unbalance but only slow thyroid metabolism from exhausted thyroid which can be counterbalanced and rebalanced by letting the thyroid rest, reducing carbohydrates but not avoiding and choosing proteins.