CONSTITUTION Robust (more in the upper than in the lower part), “apple-shaped”, round face. Large breasts and relatively thin hips in women
FAT LOCALIZATION Mainly above the waist, on the higher part of the back, stomach and chest
DIETARY PREFERENCES Salty foods, fat foods, alcoholic beverages
ENERGY LEVEL Warm, remarkable energy for the whole day that tends to decrease in the late evening.
PERSONALITY Friendly person, very practical and extroverted, does not easily get angry, but if he does he gets really angry.
PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTIC Normally strong and lacking in flexibility
GENDER This morphology is more common in men, but relatively frequent also in women.

The overweight hyperlipogenetic individual has a stout appearance with fat accumulation on the shoulders, chest and upper abdomen, with the typically prominent belly that makes the waistline disappear. In men the lower limbs can be well-developed and muscular. In women they are generally thin.


The hyperlipogenetic individual on his/her target weight is still stout but the muscles are highlighted by a low presence of fat. Muscular legs in men and thin in women.

The individual hyperlipogenetic anticipates a imbalance of the axis pituitary gland-surrene and consequent imbalance insulin. The typical hyperlipogenetic, when it is overweight, has a stocky aspect with accumulates, like already said, in the advanced part and the typical prominent belly makes to disappear the girovita one. Al its ideal weight conserve however the stocky aspect but its musculature is evidenced by the insufficient presence of fat person. The legs are hard as nails in the man and thin in the woman. Often some characters of the hypolipolytic come acquired also from individuals to mixed conformation that, as a result of he draft of life particularly stressful, have a cortisol overproduction that the door however to above all accumulate in the turn life without having those characteristics of “robustness” of the hyperlipogenetic classic. The individual hyperlipogenetic has a good functionality thyroid and therefore a rather fast metabolism that stretches to burn fat person to energetic scope, however is carried to eat very. It is equipped of a good appetite and one feels above all energetic if it consumes rich meal of fat people and cholesterol who are premonitory of hormones produced from the cortex the adrenal: cortisol, DHEA and androstenedione. Having high cortisol normally, siccome the circadian rhythm of cortisol reaches the maximum level to the morning remaining high until the first hours of the afternoon, if they assume also several carbohydrates, that is sugars, to the morning (since already cortisol is hyperglycaemic), will be found with the highest glycemia that will consequently stimulate the insulin secretion with the known lipogenetic effects. Among other things the individual in question is also a little nervous of nature, exactly “it is put a great strain on”, and if to the evening we give alone to proteins its adrenalin to it will boom, it will toss about in the bed until will get up in order to empty the refrigerator or, in the best one of the hypotheses, in order to eat some carbohydrates and to part so to invade from “sweet” the relaxation serotonin. Therefore in this case better the proteins to the morning, so much not are hypoglycemic risks of crisis as we have the cortisol that holds high the glycemia, even if however low index is better to associate a minim than carbohydrates glycemic because they alleviate cortisol, and carbohydrates to the evening when cortisol is low and not there is the risk of an excessive stimulation insulinic.


The low-calorie diet and high protein work very well with these subjects that fat forgiveness and weight enough easy. The problem is that, almost always, after little that they follow a diet of this genre they desist and they return to the old habits because they do not hold stress that procures the fact of having to it to follow too much restrictive an alimentary regime. Moreover the diet high protein if, in fact, it gives to a minor stimulation insulinic, on the other hand increases the cortisol production that is the hormone preplace to the neo-glycogenesis, that is to the transformation of proteins in glucose. The hyperlipogenetic, own for its propension to the activation of the likeable system is managed to the hypertension and the cardiovascular diseases.

The feeding, therefore, of the hyperlipogenetic must be turned to the reduction of the red meat, the meat products and entire cheeses while it must be oriented mainly towards integral cereals, lean fruits and vegetables, fish and poultry and dairy product.

Percentage of macronutrients in the diet