By Paolo Luzi, Massimo Spattini University of Milan – Interfaculty Agriculture / Medicine and Surgery Our morphological constitution is the result of all the morphological features which are linked to genetics and epigenetics, that is, the influence of the external environment on the appearance of certain predispositions. Accordingly, every person can be classified according to
A recent study by the University of Birmingham published in the magazine Current Biology observed that athletic performance can have a 26% variation in the course of the day. The study concerned 20 hockey players and it evaluated cardiovascular resistance during various moments of the day, from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. The results showed
In my recent research on spot reduction I came across an article by dr. Lonnie Lowery. In this article, dated 2nd January 2011, the American doctor explains the scientific reasons and the practical applications to achieve localized loss of weight. Special emphasis is given to blood circulation and the body temperature of the critical areas.
A myth which is quite widespread also in bodybuilding is that, in order to lose weight, you should not consume carbohydrates for dinner. Some say after 6pm, some say after 2pm. The origin of this “dogma” is unknown, perhaps it is connected to proverbs coming from conventional wisdom such as “eat like a king for